




Renewing Wedding Vows: Writing for Your Vow Renewal Ceremony

Renewing your wedding vows should be a truly joyous occasion. After all, if you have you been
married for 25, 30, 50 years it is a truly amazing accomplishment - an accomplishment that
you should celebrate! Even if you have been through some rough times, you have survived them
together and it is a happy thing to rededicate your lives and love to one another in a vow
renewal ceremony.
So, now that you know you are have a wedding vow renewal ceremony, what are you going to say? Well,
maybe you want to say the same vows you did originally? Or, maybe this is your chance to
really express how you feel about the love of your life in front of the people who are most
important to you both.
The following is a vow renewal template
that you can print out and complete as a couple to help you to
think about your past years together and where you are going in your future. Just answer
the questions together or separately, write down your thoughts, and then begin writing your
renewal vows from there.