




Proposal Stories

Kevin and Julie
"I had met Kevin in Iwakuni, Japan in 1998 while I was doing an internship with children on the military base there.
I was only there for a short 3 months and then I had to go back to the states to finish college. We kept in touch via the phone
and e-mail and managed to visit each other twice in the next year.
A year after I met Kevin I traveled back to Japan
to visit him for 10 days. One of the days we were there (May 20th, 1999) we decided to go down the Kintai Bridge.
It is a famous bridge in Iwakuni that is made out of wood and spans over a small river that many of the Japanese fish on.
It was at night, so you could see all the Japanese lanterns lined up and down the sides of the river. It was beautiful!
We took a walk to the middle of the bridge. (He was so quiet, I thought something was wrong between us). It turns out
that he was soooooo nervous. In the middle of the bridge he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I said 'YES'
right away!
We were married on May 20th, 2000 and can't wait to go back to our bridge in Japan!"
Do you have a proposal story that you would like to share? Share your story with us!
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Siobahn and Gene
Suzie and Pablo
April and Travis
John and Kristy
Ruth Ann and DJ
Amanda and Jody
Clint and Michelle
Jason and Michelle
Dave and Lori
Matt and Kelly
