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Earl Callair and Vickie Pittman
March 22, 2003

Our Story
Vickie says:

Well, Earl and I workout at the same gym(Gold's). I had noticed him in there as a handsome man but he never spoke to me. Therefore, I assumed that he was STUCK UP! One evening at the gym we walked past each other and he spoke to me. I was shocked and smiled from cheek to cheek. I figured maybe he was not stuck up after all. The next morning as I was leaving for work, I noticed a card on the winshield of my car. The note read 'If you are available, please call me', with all his numbers, home, cell and work information on the front. Well I was kind of nervous because I thought, "who is this CRAZY man who followed me home?", since I did not see the card the night before. At this point I did not know whether to call or not. On one hand, I wanted to call to figure out if this guy was stalking me, or if he may be a prospect? On the other hand, I did not want to call because he may not have been a prospect.... nothing but trouble.. But I ended up calling to see, and low and behold, Earl was the handsome guy that did not speak to me in the gym until the night before I called. When I realized this I said "Yes!" to myself. Of course, we conversated for a while and he appeared to be a "good guy" so I gave us a chance to get to know each other. Therefore, we continued to talk on the phone for days, saw and conversed with each other at the gym again, and finally went on our first date after two weeks of conversation. We have been hanging in there ever since Sept 14, 2000.


Earl assumed I was expecting a ring for Valentine's day and he was right. Therefore, he did not propose then. Instead he waited until I least expected it. Sunday night, Feb.17, Earl called me at 11:00pm. He woke me up from my beauty sleep stating that he needed to talk. I said to myself, "this better be good!" I get up, go downstairs and meet him at the door.

When he began talking, it was hard for him to share the information. I was thinking "any day now!"  Finally, he told me this story about a friend and the dilemma the friend was in and he needed my advice about what to do. I really got caught up in the story, digged for more details and provided my input. Once we wrapped things up, we concluded that he should leave and go talk to his friend. So  I lead him out the door, when I turned around, a beautiful ring was in my face! I was surprised!  Needless to say, the story was bogus......but the ring was not!!:- )

Earl says:
Vickie and I are both members of Golds Gym. One day, while I was getting my work out on, I noticed this very attractive woman walk in. She had on this skin tight workout suit with matching top. I was stunned. I watched her from across the room for the rest of the time I was at the gym. I was trying not to let her see me looking, so I would stare in between reps. I really wanted to go talk to her, but I did not want to bother her during her workout. so I hung around the gym, until I saw her getting ready to leave. I went in the locker room to get my clothes, to try to walk out the door at the same time as she did, but when I came out she had disappeared. I was only in the locker room for about 1 minute and she was no where to be seen. Well about 3 days later I saw her again, and again I stared from across the room. This time I was determined not to miss her, so I took my clothes from the locker room while she was working out, then came back in to try to finish my workout. While I was on my way back to my workout station I was looking around to see where she was working out, but I did not see her, the next thing you know I turned around and almost walked right into her. We exchanged hello's and both went to our stations. About 15mins later I received a call on my cell, so I had to leave the gym. Not wanting to miss my chance to meet her again, but still seeing she was hard into her workout. I decided to leave my card on the windshield of her car. I wrote a little note, and put all my contact info on it and prayed she would call me that night. Well she didn't call. Needless to say, I was crushed. I had given up on her when she did not call that night. The next day at work she finally called. We talked for what seemed to be only a few minutes, but if you know Vickie (she can talk). We ended up talking for a good while. We agreed to talk some more that night and we have been kickin it every since.

Earl and Vickie
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