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   Gina Welsh and Adam Pastor
September 3, 2005

  Parties and Showers

Bridal Shower
 July 16, 2005 at 1:30pm 
Given by Mom and Company
Location: The Elks - Oakmont

Bachelorette Party
 Saturday August 27, 2005 
Given by Diana
Location: Downtown/Southside
 We kicked off the evening with a free concert at the Point and moved it to the Southside for some bar-hopping.  The scavenger hunt brought us to all of Adam's favorite bars (Gina doesn't visit the Southside much) where we took shots from Sean the Midget (is that PC?) and many other fine establishments.  Gina doesn't remember most of the last part of the evening.

Bachelor Party
 Thursday September 1, 2005 
Given by Mark Morel
Location: It`s everywhere, baby!!
 For more information call Mark at 845-234-2544.

Gina and Adam
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