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  Gina Welsh and Adam Pastor
September 3, 2005

Our Story
Gina says:
Adam and I met through our friend Raechelle.  Her boyfriend, Mike, was in Iraq at the time and she was meeting up with his friend Adam one evening.  She didn't mention anything about him really, and I certainly didn't get the impression she was trying to play match-maker. When I arrived at FunFest, Raechelle, Adam, Mike's sister Marie, and a friend of Marie's were all shooting pool.  Adam introduced himself right away.  I remember watching him leaning over the pool table...he was tall, thin, fit, with nice arms and hands.  After pool, Rae, Adam, & I went cosmic bowling.  We talked a lot that evening, and at the end of the night he asked for my phone number. He called the next day,asked me out on Friday night, and I accepted. I wasn't doing anything Friday night, what the heck?? We went to Benihana and then to Loew's. He asked me to Thanksgiving dinner at his mom's on our first date!! We spent the rest of the weekend together...and then Thanksgiving.  I can't recall the EXACT moment, but I knew he was 'the one' within that first week.

Adam says:
Well, it happened just like Gina said, but with a few inserts on my part. I had asked Raechelle to bring a friend of hers, and she did. She really didn't tell me much about Gina, she basically gave me a description of what she looked like. I didn't think she would even be joining us that evening. I met Raechelle and we went over to FunFest in one car. We met Mike's sister and her friend when we got there. They were shooting pool and asked if we wanted to play. I was shooting and Rae told me Gina was coming. I figured it was cool, since the night was still young. When she arrived, I watched her walk in and come over to the pool tables where we were. I have to say, I was attracted to her, but also wanted to talk to her. I did introduce myself immediately. I asked if she wanted to shoot with us, but she insisted that she is not much of a pool player, so she just watched us. After we were finished shooting pool, the three of us went bowling. I don't bowl well, so I was actively trying to make conversation with Gina and Rae. Only after I was talking to her while bowling did I learn of her love of nachos, which I also share, I realized that she may have potential. We must have made good impressions on each other, because at the end of the night I actually wanted to hang out with her again, so I had asked her for her number. I called her the next day and we went out on Friday night to a very nice dinner and a movie. We really hit it off I thought, so I wanted to ask if she would join my family for Thanksgiving dinner. She was unsure, of course, because it was our first date, and I couldn't believe I had actually asked her... but she said yes! Anyways, we hung out the rest of the weekend and watched the Steeler game on Sunday, after which I had to leave to go back to New York. She called me on my way back to tell me that she had a good time with me over the weekend. I was really not expecting our relationship to blossom like it has, but I am forever grateful that I met her.

Gina and Adam
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