Matt Kons and Kelly Berrall July 22, 2000  
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Here are the top 25 scores of those who took the quiz.
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Name Score Time (seconds)
Matt and Kelly7220042
Matt Kons - Groom100031
Kelly -the bride -Berrall100039
J.J. - Third time's a charm100056
Badger Beth99933
Mark (The Best Man) Kons90017
Some guy in Texas90029
Lori - I Love You Guys!90044
JJ's co-worker, Jen90047
Mom Kons90053
Twist of Faite (Tim's Band)80011
James and Valerie Divine80025
Grant & Jamie80051
Twist of Faite again80051
Cathy 80056
Grant & Jamie80057
Beth Bundy70017
Harry Richards70044
Mean H.O.70049
bill b70054
Jackie Scola70068
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"Love possesses not, nor will be possessed, for love is sufficient unto love."
- Kahlil Gibran


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