Matt Kons and Kelly Berrall July 22, 2000  
 The Day 
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Ever After

The future plans of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew and Kelly Kons:
(Updated 01/08/2004):

Okay, so I decided it was time to update the site again!  We are now quite thrilled to announce the excitement of our expected new arrival sometime around April 1, 2004.  You can see some preliminary photos at:  Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers and please keep them coming!

(Updated 11/20/2001):

Well, Matt and I did finally buy a house, and we are very excited as we "make our move".  You can check out some of the pictures in our newly released photo album.  Let us know what you think!

Also, you may or may not be aware that Matt has changed jobs - since July of 2001 he has been working at Morgan Stanley as a Financial Advisor.  He loves it!

(From 7/22/2000):

Matt will continue working as a System Administrator for GE Medical Systems.  Kelly will be changing jobs from working at the church with her wonderful mother to becoming a web designer.

We will be living in an apartment in New Berlin, WI. For the record, we do not PLAN on having children until 2004, so nobody has to ask us now :)

Matt will also start Grad school in August to get an MBA.  And, while Kelly is extremely proud of him for having the courage and desire to do this, she is also going to miss him while he is at class and studying.  So, she appreciates all of your support and prayers!

We also plan on buying a house next year.  We will be saving any monetary wedding gifts we receive, as well as our own money to be able to buy a house in the spring of 2001.

* Future Plans

"Love, all alike, no season knows, nor clime, nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time."
- John Donne


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