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 "I don't want to live - I want to love first, and live incidentally."
- Zelda Fitzgerald

Ed Murray and Sarah Stutz
August 17, 2002

Places To Stay
For your convenience, here are some suggested places to stay if you are traveling to our wedding.

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Hotel:Hilton Monona Terrace(map)
9 E WIlson St
Madsion WI 53703
Price Range:$125 - $159
Location:3 miles from ceremony (directions)
0 miles from 1st Reception
Features:Attached to the reception site
Note:Rooms are still available.

706 John Nolan Dr
Madison WI 53713
Price Range:$99 - $139
Location:3 miles from ceremony (directions)
1 miles from 1st Reception (directions)
Features:1 mile to the reception on the same road
Note:Rooms still available. If they don't quote you the reduced rate, call Sarah and Ed and they will take care of it.

Ed and Sarah
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Places To Stay

Wedding Gifts & Registries

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