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 Kat Wright and Brighton Karpinski
April 19, 2003

Places To Stay
For your convenience, here are some suggested places to stay if you are traveling to our wedding.

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Bed and Breakfast:Red Rooster Inn and Chelsea Guest House (map)
709 Truman Avenue
Key West FL 33040
(800) 845-0825 - www.redroosterinn.com
Price Range:$99 - $155
Location:0 miles from ceremony
0.5 miles from 1st Reception (directions)
0 miles from 2nd Reception
0 miles from 3rd Reception
Features:- Pool / Tropical Garden. - Clothing Optional Sundeck. And you wanted more?
Note:This is where all the cool people are staying. Are you cool?

Other:Key West Hostel (map)
718 South Street
Key West FL 33040
(305) 296-5719
Price Range:$22.5 - $100
Location:0.5 miles from ceremony (directions)
1 miles from 1st Reception (directions)
0.5 miles from 2nd Reception (directions)
0.5 miles from 3rd Reception (directions)
Features:Cheap place to crash if you don't mind sharing a unisex room with 15 other people you don't know. Or get a room of your own - call them for prices. Hostel bunks are $22.50 a night.
Note:Cheap place to crash if you don't mind sharing a unisex room with 15 other people you don't know. Or get a room of your own - call them for prices. Hostel bunks are $22.50 a night. Wait a minute... you wanna stay with people you don't know - talk to Kat or Brian and we'll try to hook you up with others to share a room at the ROOSTER... did we mention the naked sun deck?

Hotel:Key West Wyndham (map)
1435 Simonton Street
Key West FL 33040
Price Range:$330 - $440
Location:0.75 miles from ceremony (directions)
1.25 miles from 1st Reception (directions)
0.75 miles from 2nd Reception (directions)
0.75 miles from 3rd Reception (directions)
Features:What do you expect from a hotel that starts at $330? Pool... laundry... private beach... free newspaper... whatever... but no naked sundeck! Come on - stay at the ROOSTER!
Note:So you go to Key West and you want to pretend you are still in Atlanta? Stay here!

Other:(for those wishing to share rides/hotel rooms)(map)
Location:0 miles from ceremony
0 miles from 1st Reception
0 miles from 2nd Reception
0 miles from 3rd Reception
Features:Keith and Stacey Chyla (Milwaukee), Brian Ego (ATL), Greg Levine (ATL), Jasen Johns & Gretyl Glick (ATL), Dave Gibson (ATL), Alfie Vicks (ATL), Steve Rosenburg (ATL), Tara Hill (ATL), Eva Nowalski & Michael (WPB, FL), Anna and Steve Witte (ATL), Chad Carlson (ATL), Douglas Adams (ATL), Trey Burley (ATL), Virginia Cochran and David (ATL), Maureen and Bruce (Cincinnati), Jeff Hawthorne (ATL), Paul Nueslein (ATL), Todd & Aimee (Boston), Erin Conway (West Palm Beach), Austin and Jean Conway (Melbourne, FL), Heidi Oswaldi (West Palm Beach), Amy Saleeby (West Palm Beach), Matt and Marisol Hoover (some island), Marcos Hacker (Melbourne, FL), Steve Tobias (Denver, but Tampa soon), Christian Panagokos & Jen (Rhode Island), Taki Panagokos (Pompano, FL), Adrian Nieman (Miami, FL) Marlo and Curtis Russom (Pompano, FL), Sondee and Luciano (Miami), Teri Nye (ATL), Ben Chance & Jane 'Chance' (ATL), Erin and Mike Murphy (ATL), Gar Urette (ATL), Elion Vinocur (Boca Raton, FL), Keith Tomasek (NYC), Sandra Bevilaqua (San Paolo, Brazil), Janet Magnuson (San Fran), Rick and Anne Leahy (ATL), Lisa Ellis (ATL), Wayne and Sloan Lee (ATL), Becky Burwell and Ian (Portland, OR), Henry Webb (ATL), Chris Peak and Michelle (DC), Tonja Trickle (Chicago), Chris Huber (Denver).... Bride and Groom's family: John and Dolores Karpinski (Milwaukee), Julie and Paul Bunczak (Wassau, WI), Mary Anne Capobianco (Portland, OR) Sandra Wright and Chris Fults (Portland), Amber Wright (Portland), Brad, Ginger, and Samantha Wright (West Palm Beach)
Note:For those wishing to car pool or share a hotel room check out the guest list and try to make arrangements or contact us and we'll hook you up with someone (no, not that kind of hook up, you're on your own for that). Many of the Red Rooster/Chelsea House rooms are large and have two beds - perfect for sharing. We recommend that non-Floridans fly directly into KW (b/c the drive from Miami to KW can be anywhere from 3-5 hours depending on traffic). However, if you find it substantially cheaper (b/c you waited so long to get a ticket!!) to fly into Miami and rent a car to drive to KW, we suggest you share a ride and be green. You definitely won't need a car when in KW -the fave mode of transportation is pedal power or flip-flop power.

Kat and Brighton
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