Brilliant Wedding Pages : Couples : Planning: Cost-Effective Bride

Make Picture Frame Centerpieces

T H E   C O S T   E F F E C T I V E   B R I D E
Vol 2, No. 11                       September 10, 2001
Kelly Kons, Editor,
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The Cost-Effective Bride \ Kós-te-'fek-tiv Brid \  n.
(2001):  The about-to-be-married woman that desires the
tangible, emotional, and memorable benefits of her
wedding to outweigh the money and time spent on
producing those benefits.  She is both elegant and fun,
emotional and sensible.  She understands that more
expensive does not necessarily equal better.  She is
Have you had a wedding shower yet?  Did you get a lot
of really beautiful and expensive cards along with the
gifts?  Well, I don't know about you, but even months
before our wedding I was receiving gifts and cards.  I
would look at the gorgeous cards - some really
extravagant with glitter or ribbons - and I would
think, "It is such a shame that there isn't something I
can do with these beautiful cards."  Well, after
thinking a lot about it, I came up with an idea.
Why not make the cards into picture frames!  Now, for
some of the cards I received, this simply would not
work.  But, for many, with a little creativity, I was
able to create some very nice looking frames.
And, to make this an even more exciting and great idea,
one of our brides recently wrote me and told me about
an awesome idea that a friend of hers had.  Michelle
shared with me an idea for table placecards and
centerpieces.  Here it is:  Instead of using boring
numbers to label the tables, why not use locations that
the couple have been together (or their hobbies, or
interests, etc.)?  Then, place a picture of one of the
locations on each table.  On the placecards write,
"Maui" or "Lake Tahoe" or "Yellowstone", etc.  Then,
guests can find the table they sit at according to the
picture in the center of the table.  (You can label the
back of the frame just to clear up any confusion.)
Now, why not combine these two great ideas and make
frames out of cards and then use them as
centerpieces?!?!    This is an extremely cost-effective
way to make beautiful and conversational centerpieces.
If you had enough cards - and enough time - you could
even make enough for each individual.  Here's how:
You will need:
- Wedding/Shower Cards
- 3 Cardboard boxes
- Pencil
- Ruler
- Utility Knife
- Glue (Elmer's or rubber cement will work)
- Scissors
- Pictures
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wedding plans and your excitement?  Try a
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First, choose the cards you would like to use.  You may
want to cut out the written message on the inside
(especially if it is meaningful to you) and save them
for a scrapbook or paste them in a journal.  Next, take
one of your pictures and trace the outside of it onto a
piece of the first cardboard box.  Now, you are
probably going to want the cut-out to be smaller than
what the picture actually is, so take the lines you
just traced and using a ruler, bring them in a half-
inch or so.  Now, cut the cardboard along the lines.
If you have different-sized pictures, you are going to
need to go through this process for each of the
different sizes.
Now, layout the second cardboard box on top of the
third to create a flat, but thick, surface area.  You
can do this on the floor or on a table.  Place your
card on your cardboard cutting surface.  Then, take
your cut-out piece and using your utility knife, cut
the card around the edges of the cut-out.  Do not press
too hard - you don't want to go through the back of the
card, just the front.
Glue the bottom edge of the front of the card to the
bottom edge of the back of the card.  Do the same to
side of the card.  Do NOT glue the top edges of the
card together.  This is where you are going to put the
picture into.  Set aside your frame for 10 minutes or
so while the glue dries and work on another card.
If you want to make a stand for the back of your frame,
you can do this by cutting some cardboard and glueing
it onto the back or by not pasting the back of the card
to the front and opening the card to make it stand - if
you do it this way, you will probably need to glue your
pictures to the frame to make them stay in place.
Ta dum!  You have made a picture frame.  All you have
left to do is put the pictures in them and label the
back, if need be.
Thanks, Michelle, for sharing your idea with us, and I
hope you will all enjoy this cost-effective method of
making picture frames.  As always, have fun and be
creative!  You never know what beautiful things you may
create.  Good Luck!

Kelly Kons
 ** Do you have questions about this or past articles?
 Please drop me a line.  I would love to hear from you
 and help you out in any way I can! **
 - Kelly Kons, Editor
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~:§:~~:§:~~:§:THE COST EFFECTIVE BRIDE ~:§:~~:§:~~:§:~          Brilliant Wedding Pages
Kelly Kons, Editor           
P.O. Box 667                   Hales Corners, WI 53130

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